Certified Personal Physical Fitness Training Ottawa | Fitness coach | Weight Loss Program | Fitness Classes in Ottawa - Vital Health Life
Your Health Advisor

Hi, I'm David Lee,
Helping you build a healthier lifestyle through my holistic programs and coaching.

Your happiness and success are the outcome of your
decisions, not the outcome of chance.
Does this explain your lifestyle?
  • Do you find it hard to get adequate sleep at night due to stress?
  • Do you hate going to work on the first day of the week?
Are you tired of feeling irrelevant?
  • Are you in charge of your emotions or is someone dictating for you?
  • Do you like the person that you see looking back at you when you look in the mirror?
Are you ready to make that change?
  • I'm a life coach dedicated to helping clients excel in every area of life.
  • My life and health coaching works for all who show interest, are open-minded & willing to learn.

What we Offer

Mission & Vision

My mission in life is to educate the world on what real vibrant health is all about.

To provide my client with the wisdom, knowledge and understanding needed, to overcome their life challenges and coach those who follow through, to achieve their healthiest body and lifestyle which they want to live.

Our Goal

Our goal with every client is to help them define what their dream life is and define what kind of health fitness-oriented lifestyle they want to live.

Our Purpose

Our purpose is to help them develop their best body, mind and spirit that is essential for creating the dream life that's waiting for them,... if they stay on course.

Our Featured Products

Client Testimonials

If you're ready to start that life you have cherished so much,
then wait no more! Go AND fill in my free form
and book your appointment today