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IsaBody Transformations 16 Week Challenge

How much, in sixteen weeks, can you change your body? More than you think – but only if you have three things: a strong fitness schedule, guidelines on smart eating and the right mindset to train with concentration and determination.

This IsaBody transformation program for sixteen weeks has been designed to continuously challenge your body and move it beyond its comfort zone so your body has no choice but to create new muscle mass and burn away body fat to dramatically alter your physique. That's why the system has little modifications every week: these changes keep the body guessing and therefore change occurs.

It's hard to make a big improvement to your body in sixteen weeks but it can be done. Start as you intend to start, both in the gym and in the kitchen, and these small steps will quickly lead to big improvements in how you look with your shirt off.


What is the IsaBody Transformations Challenge?

Many diet programs out there give you this false expectation that with minimal effort and time, you can lose weight and hold it off.

The challenge of IsaBody Transformation challenge is more like a 16-week course. It teaches you what to eat, how much to eat, how much exercise is needed, and everything is done at a pace that feels quick and easy

I believe weight loss shouldn’t be complicated. The IsaBody Transformation Challenge is Simple and easy to follow.


How Does it Work?

Habits That Stick!

Ever forget to brush your teeth? Okay, that's not always the case because it's a habit. Compared to a series of rigid rules and conditions, adopting a new routine related to health and weight loss will stick.

Diet Tips that will aid the IsaBody Transformations

Building lean muscle mass and having a flat belly is just as important to what you eat as how you work out.


If you don't eat enough protein-red and white meat, fish and eggs-then don't be shocked if you don't add muscle fast. Lifting weights causes small tears in your muscles, and it's protein intake that restores this damage and creates bigger and stronger muscles. At least strive for a fist-sized portion of high-quality lean protein at each meal.


You don't have to cut carbs completely to change your body, but making better choices about carbs will help you get bigger, stronger and leaner. Avoid sugar and reduce the intake of fast-release carbs such as processed white bread and refined flour pasta. Instead, select slow-release carbs such as sweet potatoes and brown rice, gluten free pasta, as well as plenty of nutrient-dense fibre-rich veg.


If you're struggling to get your daily fifth a day, you're losing out on an abundance of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients that are important both for better health and getting leaner. Eat a wide variety of different-colored vegetables to give your body the nutrients it needs after a hard workout, as well as fiber to keep you feeling full longer and regulate blood sugar levels so that sweet treats won't tempt you.


You should try cutting out alcohol to make the most positive improvement to your body in four weeks. It's high in calories which you don't need, so your drive to hit the gym hard and eat better will disappear from too much booze. Sticking to water, green tea and black coffee is your best bet to stay hydrated and load up on antioxidants that will help you recover from exercise.