Lose Weight from Floor Exercise
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Lose Weight from Floor Exercise

Here are some floor exercises that can help you to lose weight:

1. Crunches
There are many types of crunches you can do. It’s a very good exercise for making your stomach muscles stronger. It can also help to reduce the fat in your stomach area. However, keep in mind that there’s no spot-reduction of fat. You’ll have to reduce your overall body fat before you start losing it around your stomach, if belly fat is an issue for you.

Crunches are an excellent exercise for losing weight because you can burn a lot of calories. Besides that, certain types such as bicycle crunches work more muscle groups. When it’s combined with the cardio you get, it can help you to burn a lot of calories and thus lose weight and burn fat in the process. Some other types of crunches include the reverse crunch, twisting crunch, etc. It’s important to do some research so you learn about the different types of crunches you can do. Not only will it provide different ways to lose weight, but will also help to make your workouts more varied, which will keep you from getting bored during workouts.

2. Push-ups
This is one of the most common exercises done, but it certainly can help to speed up the process of losing weight. One way is that it can boost your cardiovascular health. It helps your heart to pump faster, which can help you to burn weight and fat faster. Besides that push-ups can also help to strength muscles. When these two benefits are combined it can help you to burn calories and lose weight very fast. If that’s your goal then it’s actually one of the best exercises you can do, and you should consider adding it to your workout session.

3. Lunges
Many people who work out do lunges in order to strengthen muscles before a gym workout or running. They can be an effective type of warm-up. However, besides stretching muscles, they can also help to strengthen/tone your body. It’s important to do them properly in order to get the best results.

4. Squats
This type of exercise works your lower body as well as your abs. The exercise is excellent from burning fat throughout your entire body.  As with other types of exercises, it’s important that you do them properly in order to get the best results. Besides that you can also do different types of squats. Since this works so many muscles at the same time, it really increases testosterone in the body.